To read the adventure in the order of the Day by Day Trip Report click HERE. To see all the photos for the day click HERE.
We have had the chance to review this ferry. We have found it lacking in nothing. The ship is quiet even no engine noise, clean and has not shown major issues in docking or departures. The food is excellent, the staff are responsive, the maps are accurate, the access to public facilities frequent AND where they should be. Our room was clean by the time breakfast was over, the decor up to date and appropriate, the views are dramatic, the lounge chairs comfortable and plentiful. Truly we have nothing to suggest for improvement.The calm seas have soothed us and lulled us into relaxing.
We arrived in Trondheim shortly after breakfast with the sun shining.
YAY YAY the sun is shinning!! This, friends, is the birth home of our friend Andreas Udbye of University Place, WA fame. After being here we know he is descendent of Vikings and a trader from birth. Lovely, lovely town Andreas.
Our friends, Vikki, Inger and Birger will be waiting for us. YAY YAY!!!
* * *
They were waiting for us....We saw them waving and walking down the street towards us!!!! After loads of hugs, Birger whisked us off to the Nidaros Cathedral giving us the history of the church and of Trondheim. The cathedral is marvelous and has a great history! (Another great positive about the ship/crew: going ashore is simple and painless. They capture our departure by reading the bar code on our ship card as we exit, and again as we re-board after being with friends.)
The following link has an excellent history and amazing photos of the cathedral and of Trondheim;
Birger gave us a walking tour from the Cathedral across the Town Bridge to the OLD TOWN showing us the bicycle set your bike to a groove in the road, push a button and the bike with you on it sails up the hill. WOWSER!
We stopped for coffee in a kaffehus called Dromedar (dromedary camel) for a relaxing visit until time for us to walk back to the car and back to the ferry.
We had to be back on the Hurley Gurley Ferry by 11:30am so Birger drove us directly to the ferry dock. Very limited security. They all got out and joined us at the ship...then after we got on we realized that folks can come on board for coffee or a visit.
Birger, Vikki, Inger, Beth, Becky |
FACTOID: The first ever export of American goods to Europe took place in Trondheim around 1000 AD.
The ship passed the oh, so famous Kjeungskjaer Lighthouse about 2 pm today. It was built in 1987 and protected in 2000. No details on "protection."
Tomorrow about noon, Vikki and Inger will join us on the M/S Finnmarken. More adventures await as we chat/laugh/share our way north.
Tomorrow morning we cross the ARCTIC CIRCLE!!!! Tomorrow we will also discover if either Beth or Becky entered the exact time at which the ship is expected to cross the Arctic Circle. There will be activities all day to celebrate that we are "north" people. Stay tuned.
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