Sunday, July 6, 2014


Readers:  Another post in our activity.  
To read the adventure in the order of the Day by Day Trip Report click HERE. To see all the photos for the day click HERE.


Sunday afternoon, July 6, 2014 

On a dark and dreary day, we entered the Geiranger Fjord early and had the chance to see the fog part on the calm water as we slowly traversed the fjord. The further in we went, the higher the waterfalls and the closer the hills. Finally snow on the mountain tops with explosions of quiet beauty.

The little villages are built on the lower edge of the fjord.

Some little farms are built far above on the mountain side. One little story was about the tax collector who had difficulties delivering his demands as the pathways were so steep that ladders had to be installed. When the farmers heard the tax collector was on his way, the ladders would suddenly disappear “for repairs” and the collector would not be able to visit the farmer.

As we head back to Alesund we are reminded that thanks to the Gulf Stream, 4.5 million people live in Norway. The fjords do not freeze in winter but continue to have the marine fog, cold, dank air year round as the temperature fluctuates with the seasons. The photos speak more than our words could possibly describe.

Tomorrow is Day 3 of the M/S Finnmarken cruise.  We have been told the day is Monday but we really have lost track of things like that.

Tomorrow is special because we will see Vikki, Inger and Birger in Trondheim.  The Jacobsens have lived in Trondheim and you know there's no better way to see a city that thru the eyes of one of its citizens.  Cannot wait.  

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